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Install the Native Token Transfers CLI


The fastest way to deploy Native Token Transfers (NTT) is using the NTT CLI. As prerequisites, ensure you have the following installed:

Install the NTT CLI:

curl -fsSL | bash

Verify the NTT CLI is installed:

ntt --version


To update an existing NTT CLI installation, run:

ntt update


NTT CLI installations and updates will always pick up the latest tag with name vX.Y.Z+cli and verify that the underlying commit is included in main.

For local development, you can update your CLI version from a specific branch or install from a local path.

To install from a specific branch, run:

ntt update --branch foo

To install locally, run:

ntt update --path path/to/ntt/repo

Git branch and local installations enable a fast iteration loop as changes to the CLI code will immediately be reflected in the running binary without having to run any build steps.