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Cross-Chain Token Transfers


In this tutorial, you'll learn how to create a simple cross-chain token transfer system using the Wormhole protocol via the Wormhole Solidity SDK. We'll guide you through building and deploying smart contracts that enable seamless token transfers of IERC-20 tokens between blockchains. Whether you're a developer looking to explore cross-chain applications or just interested in the Wormhole protocol, this guide will help you understand the fundamentals.

By the end of this tutorial, you'll have a working cross-chain token transfer system built with the powerful tools provided by the Wormhole Solidity SDK, which you can further customize and integrate into your projects.


Before you begin, ensure you have the following:

Valid Tokens for Transfer

It's important to note that this tutorial leverages Wormhole's TokenBridge to transfer tokens between chains. So, the tokens you'd like to transfer must have an attestation on the TokenBridge contract of the target blockchain.

To simplify this process, we've included a tool for verifying if a token has an attestation on the target chain. This tool uses the wrappedAsset function from the TokenBridge contract. If the token has an attestation, the wrappedAsset function returns the address of the wrapped token on the target chain; otherwise, it returns the zero address.

Check Token Attestation
  1. Clone the repository and navigate to the project directory:
    git clone
    cd cross-chain-token-transfers
  2. Install the dependencies:

    npm install

  3. Run the script to check token attestation:

    npm run verify

  4. Follow the prompts:

    1. Enter the RPC URL of the target chain
    2. Enter the TokenBridge contract address on the target chain
    3. Enter the token contract address on the source chain
    4. Enter the source chain ID
  5. The expected output when the token has an attestation:

    npm run verify > cross-chain-token-transfer@1.0.0 verify > npx ts-node script/check-attestation.ts Enter the TARGET chain RPC URL: Enter the Token Bridge contract address on the TARGET chain: 0x05...E153 Enter the token contract address on the SOURCE chain: 0x54...bc65 Enter the SOURCE chain ID: 6 The token is attested on the target chain. Wrapped token address: 0xDDB349c976cA2C873644F21f594767Eb5390C831

Using this tool ensures that you only attempt to transfer tokens with verified attestations, avoiding any potential issues during the cross-chain transfer process.

Project Setup

Let's start by initializing a new Foundry project. This will set up a basic structure for our smart contracts.

  1. Open your terminal and run the following command to initialize a new Foundry project:

    forge init cross-chain-token-transfers

    This will create a new directory named cross-chain-token-transfers with a basic project structure. This also initializes a new git repository.

  2. Navigate into the newly created project directory:

    cd cross-chain-token-transfers
  3. Install the Wormhole Solidity SDK:

    forge install wormhole-foundation/wormhole-solidity-sdk

    To ease development, we'll use the Wormhole Solidity SDK, which provides useful helpers for cross-chain development. This SDK includes the TokenSender and TokenReceiver abstract classes, which simplify sending and receiving tokens across chains.

Build Cross-Chain Contracts

In this section, we'll build two smart contracts to send tokens from a source chain and receive them on a target chain. These contracts will interact with the Wormhole protocol to facilitate secure and seamless cross-chain token transfers.

At a high level, our contracts will:

  1. Send tokens from one blockchain to another using the Wormhole protocol
  2. Receive and process the tokens on the target chain, ensuring they are correctly transferred to the intended recipient

Before diving into the contract implementation steps, let’s first break down the key parts of the contracts.

Sender Contract: CrossChainSender

The CrossChainSender contract calculates the cost of sending tokens across chains and then facilitates the actual token transfer.

Let's start writing the CrossChainSender contract:

  1. Create a new file named CrossChainSender.sol in the /src directory:

    touch src/CrossChainSender.sol
  2. Open the file. First, we'll start with the imports and the contract setup:

    // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
    pragma solidity ^0.8.13;
    import "lib/wormhole-solidity-sdk/src/WormholeRelayerSDK.sol";
    import "lib/wormhole-solidity-sdk/src/interfaces/IERC20.sol";
    contract CrossChainSender is TokenSender {
        uint256 constant GAS_LIMIT = 250_000;
            address _wormholeRelayer,
            address _tokenBridge,
            address _wormhole
        ) TokenBase(_wormholeRelayer, _tokenBridge, _wormhole) {}

    This sets up the basic structure of the contract, including the necessary imports and the constructor that initializes the contract with the Wormhole-related addresses.

  3. Next, let's add a function that estimates the cost of sending tokens across chains:

        function quoteCrossChainDeposit(
            uint16 targetChain
        ) public view returns (uint256 cost) {
            uint256 deliveryCost;
            (deliveryCost, ) = wormholeRelayer.quoteEVMDeliveryPrice(
            cost = deliveryCost + wormhole.messageFee();

    This function, quoteCrossChainDeposit, helps calculate the cost of transferring tokens to a different chain. It factors in the delivery cost and the cost of publishing a message via the Wormhole protocol.

  4. Finally, we'll add the function that sends the tokens across chains:

        function sendCrossChainDeposit(
            uint16 targetChain,
            address targetReceiver,
            address recipient,
            uint256 amount,
            address token
        ) public payable {
            uint256 cost = quoteCrossChainDeposit(targetChain);
                msg.value == cost,
                "msg.value must equal quoteCrossChainDeposit(targetChain)"
            IERC20(token).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount);
            bytes memory payload = abi.encode(recipient);

    This sendCrossChainDeposit function is where the actual token transfer happens. It sends the tokens to the recipient on the target chain using the Wormhole protocol.

Here’s a breakdown of what happens in each step of the sendCrossChainDeposit function:

  1. Cost calculation - the function starts by calculating the cost of the cross-chain transfer using quoteCrossChainDeposit(targetChain). This cost includes both the delivery fee and the Wormhole message fee. The sendCrossChainDeposit function then checks that the user has sent the correct amount of Ether to cover this cost (msg.value)

  2. Token transfer to contract - the next step is to transfer the specified amount of tokens from the user to the contract itself using IERC-20(token).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount). This ensures that the contract has custody of the tokens before initiating the cross-chain transfer

  3. Payload encoding - The recipient's address on the target chain is encoded into a payload using abi.encode(recipient). This payload will be sent along with the token transfer, so the target contract knows who should receive the tokens on the destination chain

  4. Cross-chain transfer - the sendTokenWithPayloadToEvm function is called to initiate the cross-chain token transfer. This function:

    • Specifies the targetChain (the Wormhole chain ID of the destination blockchain).
    • Sends the targetReceiver contract address on the target chain that will receive the tokens.
    • Attaches the payload containing the recipient's address.
    • Sets the GAS_LIMIT for the transaction.
    • Passes the token address and amount to transfer.

    This triggers the Wormhole protocol to handle the cross-chain messaging and token transfer, ensuring the tokens and payload reach the correct destination on the target chain.

You can find the complete code for the CrossChainSender.sol below.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

import "lib/wormhole-solidity-sdk/src/WormholeRelayerSDK.sol";
import "lib/wormhole-solidity-sdk/src/interfaces/IERC20.sol";

contract CrossChainSender is TokenSender {
    uint256 constant GAS_LIMIT = 250_000;

        address _wormholeRelayer,
        address _tokenBridge,
        address _wormhole
    ) TokenBase(_wormholeRelayer, _tokenBridge, _wormhole) {}

    // Function to get the estimated cost for cross-chain deposit
    function quoteCrossChainDeposit(
        uint16 targetChain
    ) public view returns (uint256 cost) {
        uint256 deliveryCost;
        (deliveryCost, ) = wormholeRelayer.quoteEVMDeliveryPrice(

        cost = deliveryCost + wormhole.messageFee();

    // Function to send tokens and payload across chains
    function sendCrossChainDeposit(
        uint16 targetChain,
        address targetReceiver,
        address recipient,
        uint256 amount,
        address token
    ) public payable {
        uint256 cost = quoteCrossChainDeposit(targetChain);
            msg.value == cost,
            "msg.value must equal quoteCrossChainDeposit(targetChain)"

        IERC20(token).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount);

        bytes memory payload = abi.encode(recipient);


Receiver Contract: CrossChainReceiver

The CrossChainReceiver contract is designed to handle the receipt of tokens and payloads from another blockchain. It ensures that the tokens are correctly transferred to the designated recipient on the receiving chain.

Let's start writing the CrossChainReceiver contract:

  1. Create a new file named CrossChainReceiver.sol in the /src directory:

    touch src/CrossChainReceiver.sol
  2. Open the file. First, we'll start with the imports and the contract setup:

    // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
    pragma solidity ^0.8.13;
    import "lib/wormhole-solidity-sdk/src/WormholeRelayerSDK.sol";
    import "lib/wormhole-solidity-sdk/src/interfaces/IERC20.sol";
    contract CrossChainReceiver is TokenReceiver {
        // The Wormhole relayer and registeredSenders are inherited from the Base.sol contract
            address _wormholeRelayer,
            address _tokenBridge,
            address _wormhole
        ) TokenBase(_wormholeRelayer, _tokenBridge, _wormhole) {}

    Similar to the CrossChainSender contract, this sets up the basic structure of the contract, including the necessary imports and the constructor that initializes the contract with the Wormhole-related addresses.

  3. Next, let's add a function to handle receiving the payload and tokens:

        function receivePayloadAndTokens(
            bytes memory payload,
            TokenReceived[] memory receivedTokens,
            bytes32 sourceAddress,
            uint16 sourceChain,
            bytes32 // deliveryHash
            isRegisteredSender(sourceChain, sourceAddress)
            require(receivedTokens.length == 1, "Expected 1 token transfer");
            // Decode the recipient address from the payload
            address recipient = abi.decode(payload, (address));
            // Transfer the received tokens to the intended recipient

    This receivePayloadAndTokens function processes the tokens and payload sent from another chain, decodes the recipient address, and transfers the tokens to them using the Wormhole protocol. This function also validates the emitter (sourceAddress) to ensure the message comes from a trusted sender.

    This function ensures that:

    • It only processes one token transfer at a time
    • The sourceAddress is checked against a list of registered senders using the isRegisteredSender modifier, which verifies if the emitter is allowed to send tokens to this contract
    • The recipient address is decoded from the payload, and the received tokens are transferred to them using the ERC-20 interface

After we call sendTokenWithPayloadToEvm on the source chain, the message goes through the standard Wormhole message lifecycle. Once a VAA (Verifiable Action Approval) is available, the delivery provider will call receivePayloadAndTokens on the target chain and target address specified, with the appropriate inputs.

Understanding the TokenReceived Struct

Let’s delve into the fields provided to us in the TokenReceived struct:

struct TokenReceived {
    bytes32 tokenHomeAddress;
    uint16 tokenHomeChain;
    address tokenAddress;
    uint256 amount;
    uint256 amountNormalized;
  • tokenHomeAddress - the original address of the token on its native chain. This is the same as the token field in the call to sendTokenWithPayloadToEvm unless the original token sent is a Wormhole-wrapped token. In that case, this will be the address of the original version of the token (on its native chain) in Wormhole address format (left-padded with 12 zeros)

  • tokenHomeChain - the Wormhole chain ID corresponding to the home address above. This will typically be the source chain unless the original token sent is a Wormhole-wrapped asset, which will be the chain of the unwrapped version of the token

  • tokenAddress - the address of the IERC-20 token on the target chain that has been transferred to this contract. If tokenHomeChain equals the target chain, this will be the same as tokenHomeAddress; otherwise, it will be the Wormhole-wrapped version of the token sent

  • amount - the token amount sent to you with the same units as the original token. Since TokenBridge only sends with eight decimals of precision, if your token has 18 decimals, this will be the "amount" you sent, rounded down to the nearest multiple of 10^10

  • amountNormalized - the amount of token divided by (1 if decimals ≤ 8, else 10^(decimals - 8))

You can find the complete code for the CrossChainReceiver.sol contract below:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

import "lib/wormhole-solidity-sdk/src/WormholeRelayerSDK.sol";
import "lib/wormhole-solidity-sdk/src/interfaces/IERC20.sol";

contract CrossChainReceiver is TokenReceiver {
    // The Wormhole relayer and registeredSenders are inherited from the Base.sol contract

        address _wormholeRelayer,
        address _tokenBridge,
        address _wormhole
    ) TokenBase(_wormholeRelayer, _tokenBridge, _wormhole) {}

    // Function to receive the cross-chain payload and tokens with emitter validation
    function receivePayloadAndTokens(
        bytes memory payload,
        TokenReceived[] memory receivedTokens,
        bytes32 sourceAddress,
        uint16 sourceChain,
        bytes32 // deliveryHash
        isRegisteredSender(sourceChain, sourceAddress)
        require(receivedTokens.length == 1, "Expected 1 token transfer");

        // Decode the recipient address from the payload
        address recipient = abi.decode(payload, (address));

        // Transfer the received tokens to the intended recipient

Deploy the Contracts

Now that you've written the CrossChainSender and CrossChainReceiver contracts, it's time to deploy them to your chosen networks.

  1. Set up deployment configuration - before deploying, you must configure the networks and the deployment environment. This information is stored in a configuration file

    1. Create a directory named deploy-config in the root of your project:

      mkdir deploy-config
    2. Create a config.json file in the deploy-config directory:

      touch deploy-config/config.json
    3. Open the config.json file and add the following configuration:

          "chains": [
                  "description": "Avalanche testnet fuji",
                  "chainId": 6,
                  "rpc": "",
                  "tokenBridge": "0x61E44E506Ca5659E6c0bba9b678586fA2d729756",
                  "wormholeRelayer": "0xA3cF45939bD6260bcFe3D66bc73d60f19e49a8BB",
                  "wormhole": "0x7bbcE28e64B3F8b84d876Ab298393c38ad7aac4C"
                  "description": "Celo Testnet",
                  "chainId": 14,
                  "rpc": "",
                  "tokenBridge": "0x05ca6037eC51F8b712eD2E6Fa72219FEaE74E153",
                  "wormholeRelayer": "0x306B68267Deb7c5DfCDa3619E22E9Ca39C374f84",
                  "wormhole": "0x88505117CA88e7dd2eC6EA1E13f0948db2D50D56"

      This file specifies the details for each chain where you plan to deploy your contracts, including the RPC URL, the TokenBridge address, the Wormhole relayer, and the Wormhole Core Contract.

      For a complete list of Wormhole contract addresses on various blockchains, refer to the Wormhole Contract Addresses.


      You can add your desired chains to this file by specifying the required fields for each chain. In this example, we use the Avalanche Fuji and Celo Alfajores Testnets.

    4. Create a contracts.json file in the deploy-config directory:

      echo '{}' > deploy-config/contracts.json

      This file can be left blank initially. It will be automatically updated with the deployed contract addresses after a successful deployment

  2. Set up your Node.js environment - you'll need to set up your Node.js environment to run the deployment script

    1. Initialize a Node.js project:

      npm init -y
    2. Install the necessary dependencies:

      npm install ethers dotenv readline-sync @types/readline-sync

      These dependencies are required for the deployment script to work properly.

  3. Compile your smart contracts - compile your smart contracts using Foundry. This ensures that your contracts are up-to-date and ready for deployment

    • Run the following command to compile your contracts:

      forge build

      This will generate the necessary ABI and bytecode files in a directory named /out.

    The expected output should be similar to this:

    forge build > [⠒] Compiling... > [⠰] Compiling 30 files with 0.8.23 [⠔] Solc 0.8.23 finished in 2.29s Compiler run successful!

  4. Write the deployment script - you’ll need a script to automate the deployment of your contracts. Let’s create the deployment script

    1. Create a new file named deploy.ts in the /script directory:

      touch script/deploy.ts
    2. Open the file and load imports and configuration:

      import { BytesLike, ethers } from 'ethers';
      import * as fs from 'fs';
      import * as path from 'path';
      import * as dotenv from 'dotenv';
      import readlineSync from 'readline-sync';

      Import the required libraries and modules to interact with Ethereum, handle file paths, load environment variables, and enable user interaction via the terminal.

    3. Define interfaces to use for chain configuration and contract deployment:

      interface ChainConfig {
        description: string;
        chainId: number;
        rpc: string;
        tokenBridge: string;
        wormholeRelayer: string;
        wormhole: string;
      interface DeployedContracts {
        [chainId: number]: {
          networkName: string;
          CrossChainSender?: string;
          CrossChainReceiver?: string;
          deployedAt: string;

      These interfaces define the structure of the chain configuration and the contract deployment details.

    4. Load and select the chains for deployment:

      function loadConfig(): ChainConfig[] {
        const configPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../deploy-config/config.json');
        return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(configPath, 'utf8')).chains;
      function selectChain(
        chains: ChainConfig[],
        role: 'source' | 'target'
      ): ChainConfig {
        console.log(`\nSelect the ${role.toUpperCase()} chain:`);
        chains.forEach((chain, index) => {
          console.log(`${index + 1}: ${chain.description}`);
        const chainIndex =
            `\nEnter the number for the ${role.toUpperCase()} chain: `
          ) - 1;
        return chains[chainIndex];

      The loadConfig function reads the chain configuration from the config.json file, and the selectChain function allows the user to choose the source and target chains for deployment interactively. The user is prompted in the terminal to select which chains to use, making the process interactive and user-friendly.

    5. Define the main function for deployment and load the chain configuration:

      async function main() {
        const chains = loadConfig();
        const sourceChain = selectChain(chains, 'source');
        const targetChain = selectChain(chains, 'target');
      • The main function is the entry point for the deployment script
      • We then call the loadConfig function we previously defined to load the chain configuration from the config.json file
    6. Set up provider and wallet:

        const sourceProvider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider(sourceChain.rpc);
        const targetProvider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider(targetChain.rpc);
        const wallet = new ethers.Wallet(process.env.PRIVATE_KEY!, sourceProvider);

      The scripts establish a connection to the blockchain using a provider and create a wallet instance using a private key. This wallet is responsible for signing the deployment transaction on the source chain.

    7. Read the compiled contracts:

        const senderJson = JSON.parse(
      • This code reads the CrossChainSender.json file, the compiled output of the CrossChainSender.sol contract
      • The file is in the ../out/ directory, which contains the ABI (Application Binary Interface) and bytecode generated during contract compilation
      • It uses the fs.readFileSync function to read the file and JSON.parse to convert the file contents (in JSON format) into a JavaScript object
    8. Extract the contract ABI and bytecode:

        const abi = senderJson.abi;
        const bytecode = senderJson.bytecode;
      • ABI (Application Binary Interface) - defines the structure of the contract’s functions, events, and data types, allowing the front end to interact with the contract on the blockchain
      • Bytecode - this is the compiled machine code that will be deployed to the blockchain to create the contract
    9. Create the Contract Factory:

        const CrossChainSenderFactory = new ethers.ContractFactory(
      • ethers.ContractFactory - creates a new contract factory using the ABI, bytecode, and a wallet (representing the signer). The contract factory is responsible for deploying instances of the contract to the blockchain
      • This is a crucial step for deploying the contract since the factory will create and deploy the CrossChainSender contract
    10. Deploy the CrossChainSender and CrossChainReceiver contracts:

        try {
          const senderContract = await CrossChainSenderFactory.deploy(
          await senderContract.waitForDeployment();
          const targetWallet = new ethers.Wallet(
          const receiverJson = JSON.parse(
          const CrossChainReceiverFactory = new ethers.ContractFactory(
          const receiverContract = await CrossChainReceiverFactory.deploy(
          await receiverContract.waitForDeployment();

      Both functions deploy the respective contracts to the selected chains.

      For the CrossChainReceiver contract:

      • It defines the wallet related to the target chain
      • The logic reads the compiled ABI and bytecode from the JSON file generated during compilation
      • It creates a new contract factory using the ABI, bytecode, and wallet
      • It deploys the contract to the selected chain passing in the Wormhole Relayer, TokenBridge, and Wormhole addresses
    11. Save the deployed contract addresses:

          const senderAddress = (senderContract as ethers.Contract).target;
            `CrossChainSender on ${sourceChain.description}: ${senderAddress}`
          const receiverAddress = (receiverContract as ethers.Contract).target;
            `CrossChainReceiver on ${targetChain.description}: ${receiverAddress}`

      You may display the deployed contract addresses in the terminal or save them to a JSON file for future reference.

    12. Register the CrossChainSender address on the target chain:

          const CrossChainReceiverContract = new ethers.Contract(
          const tx = await CrossChainReceiverContract.setRegisteredSender(
            ethers.zeroPadValue(senderAddress as BytesLike, 32)
          await tx.wait();

      After you deploy the CrossChainReceiver contract on the target network, the sender contract address from the source chain needs to be registered. This ensures that only messages from the registered CrossChainSender contract are processed.

      This additional step is essential to enforce emitter validation, preventing unauthorized senders from delivering messages to the CrossChainReceiver contract.

    13. Save the deployment details:

      Save Deployment Details Example
          const deployedContractsPath = path.resolve(
          let deployedContracts: DeployedContracts = {};
          if (fs.existsSync(deployedContractsPath)) {
            deployedContracts = JSON.parse(
              fs.readFileSync(deployedContractsPath, 'utf8')
          // Update the contracts.json file:
          // If a contract already exists on a chain, update its address; otherwise, add a new entry.
          if (!deployedContracts[sourceChain.chainId]) {
            deployedContracts[sourceChain.chainId] = {
              networkName: sourceChain.description,
              deployedAt: new Date().toISOString(),
          deployedContracts[sourceChain.chainId].CrossChainSender =
          deployedContracts[sourceChain.chainId].deployedAt =
            new Date().toISOString();
          if (!deployedContracts[targetChain.chainId]) {
            deployedContracts[targetChain.chainId] = {
              networkName: targetChain.description,
              deployedAt: new Date().toISOString(),
          deployedContracts[targetChain.chainId].CrossChainReceiver =
          deployedContracts[targetChain.chainId].deployedAt =
            new Date().toISOString();
          // Save the updated contracts.json file
            JSON.stringify(deployedContracts, null, 2)

      Add your desired logic to save the deployed contract addresses in a JSON file (or another format). This will be important later when transferring tokens, as you'll need these addresses to interact with the deployed contracts.

    14. Handle errors and finalize the script:

        } catch (error: any) {
          if (error.code === 'INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS') {
              'Error: Insufficient funds for deployment. Please make sure your wallet has enough funds to cover the gas fees.'
          } else {
            console.error('An unexpected error occurred:', error.message);
      main().catch((error) => {

      The try-catch block wraps the deployment logic to catch any errors that may occur.

      • If the error is due to insufficient funds, it logs a clear message about needing more gas fees
      • For any other errors, it logs the specific error message to help with debugging

      The process.exit(1) ensures that the script exits with a failure status code if any error occurs.

    You can find the full code for the deploy.ts file below:

    import { BytesLike, ethers } from 'ethers';
    import * as fs from 'fs';
    import * as path from 'path';
    import * as dotenv from 'dotenv';
    import readlineSync from 'readline-sync';
    interface ChainConfig {
      description: string;
      chainId: number;
      rpc: string;
      tokenBridge: string;
      wormholeRelayer: string;
      wormhole: string;
    interface DeployedContracts {
      [chainId: number]: {
        networkName: string;
        CrossChainSender?: string;
        CrossChainReceiver?: string;
        deployedAt: string;
    function loadConfig(): ChainConfig[] {
      const configPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../deploy-config/config.json');
      return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(configPath, 'utf8')).chains;
    function selectChain(
      chains: ChainConfig[],
      role: 'source' | 'target'
    ): ChainConfig {
      console.log(`\nSelect the ${role.toUpperCase()} chain:`);
      chains.forEach((chain, index) => {
        console.log(`${index + 1}: ${chain.description}`);
      const chainIndex =
          `\nEnter the number for the ${role.toUpperCase()} chain: `
        ) - 1;
      return chains[chainIndex];
    async function main() {
      const chains = loadConfig();
      const sourceChain = selectChain(chains, 'source');
      const targetChain = selectChain(chains, 'target');
      const sourceProvider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider(sourceChain.rpc);
      const targetProvider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider(targetChain.rpc);
      const wallet = new ethers.Wallet(process.env.PRIVATE_KEY!, sourceProvider);
      const senderJson = JSON.parse(
      const abi = senderJson.abi;
      const bytecode = senderJson.bytecode;
      const CrossChainSenderFactory = new ethers.ContractFactory(
      try {
        const senderContract = await CrossChainSenderFactory.deploy(
        await senderContract.waitForDeployment();
        // Safely access the deployed contract's address
        const senderAddress = (senderContract as ethers.Contract).target;
          `CrossChainSender on ${sourceChain.description}: ${senderAddress}`
        const targetWallet = new ethers.Wallet(
        const receiverJson = JSON.parse(
        const CrossChainReceiverFactory = new ethers.ContractFactory(
        const receiverContract = await CrossChainReceiverFactory.deploy(
        await receiverContract.waitForDeployment();
        // Safely access the deployed contract's address
        const receiverAddress = (receiverContract as ethers.Contract).target;
          `CrossChainReceiver on ${targetChain.description}: ${receiverAddress}`
        // Register the sender contract in the receiver contract
          `Registering CrossChainSender (${senderAddress}) as a valid sender in CrossChainReceiver (${receiverAddress})...`
        const CrossChainReceiverContract = new ethers.Contract(
        const tx = await CrossChainReceiverContract.setRegisteredSender(
          ethers.zeroPadValue(senderAddress as BytesLike, 32)
        await tx.wait();
          `CrossChainSender registered as a valid sender on ${targetChain.description}`
        // Load existing deployed contract addresses from contracts.json
        const deployedContractsPath = path.resolve(
        let deployedContracts: DeployedContracts = {};
        if (fs.existsSync(deployedContractsPath)) {
          deployedContracts = JSON.parse(
            fs.readFileSync(deployedContractsPath, 'utf8')
        // Update the contracts.json file:
        // If a contract already exists on a chain, update its address; otherwise, add a new entry.
        if (!deployedContracts[sourceChain.chainId]) {
          deployedContracts[sourceChain.chainId] = {
            networkName: sourceChain.description,
            deployedAt: new Date().toISOString(),
        deployedContracts[sourceChain.chainId].CrossChainSender =
        deployedContracts[sourceChain.chainId].deployedAt =
          new Date().toISOString();
        if (!deployedContracts[targetChain.chainId]) {
          deployedContracts[targetChain.chainId] = {
            networkName: targetChain.description,
            deployedAt: new Date().toISOString(),
        deployedContracts[targetChain.chainId].CrossChainReceiver =
        deployedContracts[targetChain.chainId].deployedAt =
          new Date().toISOString();
        // Save the updated contracts.json file
          JSON.stringify(deployedContracts, null, 2)
      } catch (error: any) {
        if (error.code === 'INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS') {
            'Error: Insufficient funds for deployment. Please make sure your wallet has enough funds to cover the gas fees.'
        } else {
          console.error('An unexpected error occurred:', error.message);
    main().catch((error) => {
  5. Add your private key - you'll need to provide your private key. It allows your deployment script to sign the transactions that deploy the smart contracts to the blockchain. Without it, the script won't be able to interact with the blockchain on your behalf

    Create a .env file in the root of the project and add your private key:

    touch .env

    Inside .env, add your private key in the following format:

  6. Run the deployment script

    1. Open a terminal and run the following command:

      npx ts-node script/deploy.ts

      This will execute the deployment script, deploying both contracts to the selected chains.

    2. Check the deployment output:

      • You will see the deployed contract addresses printed in the terminal if successful. The contracts.json file will be updated with these addresses
      • If you encounter an error, the script will provide feedback, such as insufficient funds for gas

If you followed the logic provided in the full code above, your terminal output should look something like this:

npx ts-node deploy.ts > cross-chain-token-transfer@1.0.0 deploy > npx ts-node script/deploy.ts Select the SOURCE chain: 1: Avalanche testnet fuji 2: Celo Testnet Enter the number for the SOURCE chain: 1 Select the TARGET chain: 1: Avalanche testnet fuji 2: Celo Testnet Enter the number for the TARGET chain: 2 CrossChainSender Avalanche testnet fuji: 0x1Cac52a183D02F9002fdb37b13eC2fAB950d44E3 CrossChainReceiver Celo Testnet: 0xD720BFF42a0960cfF1118454A907a44dB358f2b1 Registering CrossChainSender (0x1Cac52a183D02F9002fdb37b13eC2fAB950d44E3) as a valid sender in CrossChainReceiver (0xD720BFF42a0960cfF1118454A907a44dB358f2b1)... CrossChainSender registered as a valid sender on Celo Testnet

Transfer Tokens Across Chains

Quick Recap

Up to this point, you've set up a new Solidity project using Foundry, developed two key contracts (CrossChainSender and CrossChainReceiver), and created a deployment script to deploy these contracts to different blockchain networks. The deployment script also saves the new contract addresses for easy reference. With everything in place, it's time to transfer tokens using the deployed contracts.

In this step, you'll write a script to transfer tokens across chains using the CrossChainSender and CrossChainReceiver contracts you deployed earlier. This script will interact with the contracts and facilitate the cross-chain token transfer.

Transfer Script

  1. Set up the transfer script

    1. Create a new file named transfer.ts in the /script directory:

      touch script/transfer.ts
    2. Open the file. Start with the necessary imports, interfaces and configurations:

      import { ethers } from 'ethers';
      import * as fs from 'fs';
      import * as path from 'path';
      import * as dotenv from 'dotenv';
      import readlineSync from 'readline-sync';
      interface ChainConfig {
        description: string;
        chainId: number;
        rpc: string;
        tokenBridge: string;
        wormholeRelayer: string;
        wormhole: string;
      interface DeployedContracts {
        [chainId: number]: {
          networkName: string;
          CrossChainSender?: string;
          CrossChainReceiver?: string;
          deployedAt: string;

      These imports include the essential libraries for interacting with Ethereum, handling file paths, loading environment variables, and managing user input.

    3. Load configuration and contracts:

      function loadConfig(): ChainConfig[] {
        const configPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../deploy-config/config.json');
        return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(configPath, 'utf8')).chains;
      function loadDeployedContracts(): DeployedContracts {
        const contractsPath = path.resolve(
        if (
          !fs.existsSync(contractsPath) ||
          fs.readFileSync(contractsPath, 'utf8').trim() === ''
        ) {
            'No contracts found. Please deploy contracts first before transferring tokens.'
        return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(contractsPath, 'utf8'));

      These functions load the network and contract details that were saved during deployment.

    4. Allow users to select source and target chains:

      Refer to the deployed contracts and create logic as desired. In our example, we made this process interactive, allowing users to select the source and target chains from all the historically deployed contracts. This interactive approach helps ensure the correct chains are selected for the token transfer.

      function selectSourceChain(deployedContracts: DeployedContracts): {
        chainId: number;
        networkName: string;
      } {
        const sourceOptions = Object.entries(deployedContracts).filter(
          ([, contracts]) => contracts.CrossChainSender
        if (sourceOptions.length === 0) {
          console.error('No source chains available with CrossChainSender deployed.');
        console.log('\nSelect the source chain:');
        sourceOptions.forEach(([chainId, contracts], index) => {
          console.log(`${index + 1}: ${contracts.networkName}`);
        const selectedIndex =
          readlineSync.questionInt(`\nEnter the number for the source chain: `) - 1;
        return {
          chainId: Number(sourceOptions[selectedIndex][0]),
          networkName: sourceOptions[selectedIndex][1].networkName,
      function selectTargetChain(deployedContracts: DeployedContracts): {
        chainId: number;
        networkName: string;
      } {
        const targetOptions = Object.entries(deployedContracts).filter(
          ([, contracts]) => contracts.CrossChainReceiver
        if (targetOptions.length === 0) {
            'No target chains available with CrossChainReceiver deployed.'
        console.log('\nSelect the target chain:');
        targetOptions.forEach(([chainId, contracts], index) => {
          console.log(`${index + 1}: ${contracts.networkName}`);
        const selectedIndex =
          readlineSync.questionInt(`\nEnter the number for the target chain: `) - 1;
        return {
          chainId: Number(targetOptions[selectedIndex][0]),
          networkName: targetOptions[selectedIndex][1].networkName,
  2. Implement the token transfer logic

    1. Start the main function:

      async function main() {
        const chains = loadConfig();
        const deployedContracts = loadDeployedContracts();
        // Select the source chain (only show chains with CrossChainSender deployed)
        const { chainId: sourceChainId, networkName: sourceNetworkName } =
        const sourceChain = chains.find((chain) => chain.chainId === sourceChainId)!;
        // Select the target chain (only show chains with CrossChainReceiver deployed)
        const { chainId: targetChainId, networkName: targetNetworkName } =
        const targetChain = chains.find((chain) => chain.chainId === targetChainId)!;
        // Set up providers and wallets
        const sourceProvider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider(sourceChain.rpc);
        const wallet = new ethers.Wallet(process.env.PRIVATE_KEY!, sourceProvider);
        // Load the ABI from the JSON file (use the compiled ABI from Forge or Hardhat)
        const CrossChainSenderArtifact = JSON.parse(
        const abi = CrossChainSenderArtifact.abi;
        // Create the contract instance using the full ABI
        const CrossChainSender = new ethers.Contract(

      The main function is where the token transfer logic will reside. It loads the chain and contract details, sets up the wallet and provider, and loads the CrossChainSender contract.

    2. Ask the user for token transfer details:

      You'll now ask the user for the token contract address, the recipient address on the target chain, and the amount of tokens to transfer.

        const tokenAddress = readlineSync.question(
          'Enter the token contract address: '
        const recipientAddress = readlineSync.question(
          'Enter the recipient address on the target chain: '
        // Get the token contract
        const tokenContractDecimals = new ethers.Contract(
            'function decimals() view returns (uint8)',
            'function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) public returns (bool)',
        // Fetch the token decimals
        const decimals = await tokenContractDecimals.decimals();
        // Get the amount from the user, then parse it according to the token's decimals
        const amount = ethers.parseUnits(
          readlineSync.question('Enter the amount of tokens to transfer: '),

      This section of the script prompts the user for the token contract address and the recipient's address, fetches the token's decimal value, and parses the amount accordingly.

    3. Initiate the transfer:

      Finally, initiate the cross-chain transfer and log the details.

        const cost = await CrossChainSender.quoteCrossChainDeposit(targetChainId);
        // Approve the CrossChainSender contract to transfer tokens on behalf of the user
        const tokenContract = new ethers.Contract(
          ['function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) public returns (bool)'],
        const approveTx = await tokenContract.approve(
        await approveTx.wait();
        console.log(`Approved tokens for cross-chain transfer.`);
        // Initiate the cross-chain transfer
        const transferTx = await CrossChainSender.sendCrossChainDeposit(
          { value: cost } // Attach the necessary fee for cross-chain transfer
        await transferTx.wait();
          `Transfer initiated from ${sourceNetworkName} to ${targetNetworkName}. Transaction Hash: ${transferTx.hash}`

      This part of the script first approves the token transfer, then initiates the cross-chain transfer using the CrossChainSender contract, and finally logs the transaction hash for the user to track.

    4. Finalize the script:

      main().catch((error) => {

      This section finalizes the script by calling the main function and handling any errors that may occur during the token transfer process.

You can find the full code for the transfer.ts file below:

import { ethers } from 'ethers';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as dotenv from 'dotenv';
import readlineSync from 'readline-sync';


interface ChainConfig {
  description: string;
  chainId: number;
  rpc: string;
  tokenBridge: string;
  wormholeRelayer: string;
  wormhole: string;

interface DeployedContracts {
  [chainId: number]: {
    networkName: string;
    CrossChainSender?: string;
    CrossChainReceiver?: string;
    deployedAt: string;

function loadConfig(): ChainConfig[] {
  const configPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../deploy-config/config.json');
  return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(configPath, 'utf8')).chains;

function loadDeployedContracts(): DeployedContracts {
  const contractsPath = path.resolve(
  if (
    !fs.existsSync(contractsPath) ||
    fs.readFileSync(contractsPath, 'utf8').trim() === ''
  ) {
      'No contracts found. Please deploy contracts first before transferring tokens.'
  return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(contractsPath, 'utf8'));

function selectSourceChain(deployedContracts: DeployedContracts): {
  chainId: number;
  networkName: string;
} {
  const sourceOptions = Object.entries(deployedContracts).filter(
    ([, contracts]) => contracts.CrossChainSender

  if (sourceOptions.length === 0) {
    console.error('No source chains available with CrossChainSender deployed.');

  console.log('\nSelect the source chain:');
  sourceOptions.forEach(([chainId, contracts], index) => {
    console.log(`${index + 1}: ${contracts.networkName}`);

  const selectedIndex =
    readlineSync.questionInt(`\nEnter the number for the source chain: `) - 1;
  return {
    chainId: Number(sourceOptions[selectedIndex][0]),
    networkName: sourceOptions[selectedIndex][1].networkName,

function selectTargetChain(deployedContracts: DeployedContracts): {
  chainId: number;
  networkName: string;
} {
  const targetOptions = Object.entries(deployedContracts).filter(
    ([, contracts]) => contracts.CrossChainReceiver

  if (targetOptions.length === 0) {
      'No target chains available with CrossChainReceiver deployed.'

  console.log('\nSelect the target chain:');
  targetOptions.forEach(([chainId, contracts], index) => {
    console.log(`${index + 1}: ${contracts.networkName}`);

  const selectedIndex =
    readlineSync.questionInt(`\nEnter the number for the target chain: `) - 1;
  return {
    chainId: Number(targetOptions[selectedIndex][0]),
    networkName: targetOptions[selectedIndex][1].networkName,

async function main() {
  const chains = loadConfig();
  const deployedContracts = loadDeployedContracts();

  // Select the source chain (only show chains with CrossChainSender deployed)
  const { chainId: sourceChainId, networkName: sourceNetworkName } =
  const sourceChain = chains.find((chain) => chain.chainId === sourceChainId)!;

  // Select the target chain (only show chains with CrossChainReceiver deployed)
  const { chainId: targetChainId, networkName: targetNetworkName } =
  const targetChain = chains.find((chain) => chain.chainId === targetChainId)!;

  // Set up providers and wallets
  const sourceProvider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider(sourceChain.rpc);
  const wallet = new ethers.Wallet(process.env.PRIVATE_KEY!, sourceProvider);

  // Load the ABI from the JSON file (use the compiled ABI from Forge or Hardhat)
  const CrossChainSenderArtifact = JSON.parse(

  const abi = CrossChainSenderArtifact.abi;

  // Create the contract instance using the full ABI
  const CrossChainSender = new ethers.Contract(

  // Display the selected chains
    `\nInitiating transfer from ${sourceNetworkName} to ${targetNetworkName}.`

  // Ask the user for token transfer details
  const tokenAddress = readlineSync.question(
    'Enter the token contract address: '
  const recipientAddress = readlineSync.question(
    'Enter the recipient address on the target chain: '

  // Get the token contract
  const tokenContractDecimals = new ethers.Contract(
      'function decimals() view returns (uint8)',
      'function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) public returns (bool)',

  // Fetch the token decimals
  const decimals = await tokenContractDecimals.decimals();

  // Get the amount from the user, then parse it according to the token's decimals
  const amount = ethers.parseUnits(
    readlineSync.question('Enter the amount of tokens to transfer: '),

  // Calculate the cross-chain transfer cost
  const cost = await CrossChainSender.quoteCrossChainDeposit(targetChainId);

  // Approve the CrossChainSender contract to transfer tokens on behalf of the user
  const tokenContract = new ethers.Contract(
    ['function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) public returns (bool)'],

  const approveTx = await tokenContract.approve(
  await approveTx.wait();
  console.log(`Approved tokens for cross-chain transfer.`);

  // Initiate the cross-chain transfer
  const transferTx = await CrossChainSender.sendCrossChainDeposit(
    { value: cost } // Attach the necessary fee for cross-chain transfer
  await transferTx.wait();
    `Transfer initiated from ${sourceNetworkName} to ${targetNetworkName}. Transaction Hash: ${transferTx.hash}`

main().catch((error) => {

Transfer Tokens

Now that your transfer script is ready, it’s time to execute it and perform a cross-chain token transfer.

  1. Run the transfer script

    Open your terminal and run the transfer script:

    npx ts-node script/transfer.ts

    This command will start the script, prompting you to select the source and target chains, input the token address, recipient address, and the amount of tokens to transfer.

  2. Follow the prompts - the script will guide you through selecting the source and target chains and entering the necessary details for the token transfer. Once you provide all the required information, the script will initiate the token transfer

  3. Verify the transaction - after running the script, you should see a confirmation message with the transaction hash. You can use this transaction hash to check the transfer status on the respective blockchain explorers

You can verify the transaction on the Wormhole Explorer using the link provided in the terminal output. This explorer also offers the option to add the transferred token to your MetaMask wallet automatically.

If you followed the logic provided in the transfer.ts file above, your terminal output should look something like this:

npx ts-node transfer.ts > cross-chain-token-transfer@1.0.0 transfer > npx ts-node script/transfer.ts Select the source chain: 1: Avalanche testnet fuji 2: Celo Testnet Enter the number for the SOURCE chain: 1 Select the target chain: 1: Avalanche testnet fuji 2: Celo Testnet Enter the number for the TARGET chain: 2 Initiating transfer from Avalanche testnet fuji to Celo Testnet Enter the token contract address: 0x5425890298aed601595a70ab815c96711a31bc65 Enter the recipient address on the target chain: INSERT_YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS Enter the amount of tokens to transfer: 2 Approved tokens for cross-chain transfer. Transfer initiated from Avalanche testnet fuji to Celo Testnet. Transaction Hash: 0x4a923975d955c1f226a1c2f61a1a0fa1ab1a9e229dc29ceaeadf8ef40acd071f


In this example, we demonstrated a token transfer from the Avalanche Fuji Testnet to the Celo Alfajores Testnet. We sent two units of USDC Testnet tokens using the token contract address 0x5425890298aed601595a70ab815c96711a31bc65. You can replace these details with those relevant to your project or use the same for testing purposes.


If you'd like to explore the complete project or need a reference while following this tutorial, you can find the complete codebase in the Cross-Chain Token Transfers GitHub repository. The repository includes all the scripts, contracts, and configurations needed to deploy and transfer tokens across chains using the Wormhole protocol.


Congratulations! You've successfully built and deployed a cross-chain token transfer system using Solidity and the Wormhole protocol. You've learned how to:

  • Set up a new Solidity project using Foundry
  • Develop smart contracts to send and receive tokens across chains
  • Write deployment scripts to manage and deploy contracts on different networks